Sunday, August 17, 2014

I wasn’t going to walk today, because the left side of my back hurts still.  I didn’t do anything yesterday and for those of you that don’t know me well enough, that usually means, that I was more laid back as to what-ever I did.  Yesterday however, I laid on the couch, ate oatmeal, and after developing a migraine, slept for over 2 hours, washed dishes, made dinner, and proceeded to watch as much as the Westminster Kennel Show I could tolerate before going to lay down.  Anyway, I watched at much as I can before I let the migraine win and went to bed.  (I also didn’t have any water all day and going from 1.5 cisterns to 0 is not smart.

My foot pain was back for a few days, but I think that it was due to walking 6 days a week or not doing the foot exercises Abui gave m.  In short, my foot pain can be attributed to me not following through.

Here is where I am via Abui’s Metamorphose App:
You worked out for 11 days in 6 weeks
Your bodyweight increased by 4.50 Lbs
Your bodyfat has not changed  (I have no clue how to measure this)

My weight is obviously fluctuating even though I have dropped a pants size, from a 12/14 to a snug 10.  I am also ravenous and exhausted which means that I am not eating enough overall and unless I have go to meals (usually a bag of vegetables, this area have dramatic health effects.  I am off to eat.  Hungry Beast (Puff, Facebook reference) out!

Just ate 2 servings of vegetables and am thinking of drinking more water.  Skinny girl water enhancers are tasty and a little goes a very long way.

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